Coaching is Collaborative
I think it's easy to forget that coaching should be a 2-way street. Yes, there is a level of trust and respect that should go into the relationship you have with your coach, but to get everything you can from your experience and investment, there should always be an active conversation going. So what does this mean for clients?
Introducing New Client Types
We have fully embraced the notion that each individual client needs to be educated and coached in a very specific way. Not only are your goals and knowledge about nutrition unique and specific to you, but they will most likely change during your time with us.
How to Food and Meal Plan Around your New Schedule
Happy September! For a lot of you – that means your schedule and routine are changing. A LOT. Either you or your kids are going back to school. Some of you may even be starting new jobs. And that means that your food and meal prep routine - which worked for you so well over the summer - may need a serious makeover. Here’s what you can do to help yourself.
Holiday Weekend Nutrition Tips
Staying on track for parties and BBQ’s isn’t hard. We tend to over complicate things by not asking what food will be there, by forgetting everything that we know about moderation and nutrition, by drinking too much and losing control, by not planning ahead.
One Year with BIN - A Clients' Journey
I came to BIN like a lot of women do: with a long history of disordered eating in my rearview mirror. Emotional/stress eating, anorexia, exercise bulimia, bingeing: I had dealt with them all…
Positive Thinking - Positive Outcomes
My clients all know that having a positive mindset is crucial to making physical progress. A negative mindset usually means we’re stressed and a stressed body is not a happy body. Does this mean we have to be happy and pretend like everything is okay when it’s really on fire? HELL NO. There are a few categories people fall into when it comes to having a negative mindset:
What Does It Mean To Be A Coach
A coach is there to guide you. Support you. Hold you accountable. Give you the tools you need to reach your goals. A coach is there to teach you and connect with you.
Motivation Isn't The Issue
Hi. Can we talk willpower, motivation, whatever you want to call it? It's pretty common to see clients going ham on 400+ extra calories, not getting movement in, etc due to "no motivation." Listen... I get it. I really do. You're not alone, and not a single one of us is perfect.