If your diet can't be maintained throughout the weekend, it's not sustainable
You’ve been eating “good” all week long and now the weekend hits. You are so sick of eating your boring, un-satiating food, and your appetite is UNREAL. You are ready to go ham on some ice cream and pizza because you think “I stuck to my plan all week and now it’s time to treat myself.”
Sustainable Living: Apartment Style
Okay, if you are like me, you may be asking yourself, “I don’t have a big kitchen and big yard to be able to do anything *meaningful* in regards to being more sustainable and help the earth”. Or maybe you’re not thinking that and that’s just me. But sometimes I find a small mental hang-up with what I can do in my little apartment in this big city to help the world around me.
Tips for Sustainable Living
I love this month’s topic. I think that a lot of us (myself included) can get better as making this world a more sustainable place. Sometimes I think to myself, “I am just one person, what does it REALLY matter?” - but that’s the problem right there. All of our small efforts actually add up to helping our environment and help create a more sustainable world in which we live. We want this place to place, so why not put the effort in, no matter how *insignificant* it might seem?